Press Releases

It is finished!

For release from 8 November 2013

Bible Tweeter Chris Juby has completed his three-and-a-half year marathon summarising the Bible on Twitter.

Every day since August 2010, Juby – who is director of worship at King’s Church in Durham, UK – has condensed a chapter of Scripture into a single tweet of no more than 140 characters. The project has attracted attention from around the world, and he posted his final summary on November 8 to over 29,000 followers.

"It's amazing to complete the journey," said Juby. "So much has happened in the last three years. My own story now feels very bound up with the story of the Scripture."

As well as posting on birthdays, anniversaries, and from a holiday abroad, Juby even managed to find time to tweet from the delivery ward. Twice. "I've gained two sons over the course of the project," he said, "so my wife Hannah definitely deserves her share of the credit for the fact that I haven't missed a day."

Juby now plans to take a break from summarising, but he's not finished with the Bible. "Reading Scripture is much more than just a project for me. It's about knowing God," he said. "I'll still read a chapter a day. Maybe I’ll go back to the New Testament next."

Although there will be no more updates to the @biblesummary Twitter account, several publishers have shown interest in producing a Bible Summary book, and Juby hopes to use the finished summary in partnership with other creative projects.

You can view the full Bible Summary archive at


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Chris Juby

I summarised all 1,189 chapters of the Bible on Twitter - one tweet per chapter, one chapter per day for over three years.

Find out about the project here, you can buy the Bible Summary book on Kindle or in paperback, and feel free to get in contact if you have any comments or questions.

Bible Summary

All the summaries in a paperback book or on Kindle.

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